A few years ago, people seldom heard about intermittent fasting but the trend has picked up in recent years. It was revealed that this manner of eating is not only beneficial for weight loss but also increases the overall health and physical fitness of the person. In this detailed article, you’re going to learn how and why implementing intermittent fasting into your fitness journey is useful and how to do it.
What is Intermittent Fasting?
Intermittent fasting is an eating routine which helps by having a break between eating and then having a certain time to eat. Intermittent fasting on the other hand is different from dieting, where you reduce your intake of certain foods at certain times by concentrating more on the time of the day that you consume your foods. There are several different methods of intermittent fasting, including:
1. The 16/8 Method: Eaten in what is known as the Leangains protocol, this involves daily fasting for 16 hours and consuming your meals in the other 8 hours of the day.
2. The 5:2 Diet: Like the portion of the other diets, on this plan you eat normally for five days per week and are allowed only 500-600 calories on two non-consecutive days per week.
3. Alternate-Day Fasting: This diet involves consuming food on certain days and then going on a fast on other days of the week as the name bellies.
However, what we can have as a point of convergence of all of these methods is the widely held notion of ‘break fast,’ which ordinarily happens when the energy-source switch occurs from carbohydrates to fat.
The Science Behind Intermittent Fasting and Fitness Goals:
Previous research evidence point to several ways through which IF can be beneficial to the body. Here are some of the ways intermittent fasting can help you achieve your fitness goals:
1. Improved Insulin Sensitivity: This involves insulin resistance which normally leads to increase in weight and obesity. Fasting has also been seen to enhance firmer control of insulin and glucose density so that the body transports sugars more efficiently. This can go along way toward keeping a person from gaining weight and also toward helping a person to lose weight.
2. Increased Human Growth Hormone (HGH) Production: HGH is a hormone that has the primary function of arranging fat loss as well as muscle buildup. Research has also indicated that IF can spike HGH levels by 1300% among women, and 2000% among men. This can lead to faster fat loss and building more muscles mass.It can also help in the regulation of essential energy production process in the body systems.
3. Improved Mental Focus and Clarity: Some of the benefits that many people say they experience when they are fasting include; So, many of people state that they found themselves to be more concentrative and mentally clear. This will make it simpler to maintain a fitness regimen and other eating plan you may have chosen to follow.
4. Reduced Inflammation: Inflammation when persistent has negative effects on health, it is associated with causes of heart diseases and obesity. You are right, there are a lot of benefits of intermittent fasting such as; Intermittent fasting help reduce inflammation in the body which would in turn boost up one’s health and fitness standards.
5. Increased Cellular Repair: During fasting periods, the body has enhance the level of a protein called autophagy which is useful since it aids in repairing of cell and removal of dead ones. It is known to help enhance the health of the cells and avert diseases.
How to Incorporate Intermittent Fasting into Your Routine:
It can all seem a bit intimidating to integrate into your life at first, but intermittent fasting is really very easy. Here are some tips for making it work for you:
1. Start Slow: If you don’t know how to intermittent fast, begin with a plan that is feasible for you to follow. The 16/8 method is easy especially when you are getting started because you only have to fast all night as well as part of the next day.
2. Stay Hydrated: Sufficient intake of water during such times will ensure that one does not feel hungry as well as ensures the right functioning of the body.
3. Eat a Balanced Diet: When you do eat, make sure they are high quality nutrients and whole some foods that would make your body ready for the tasks ahead.
4. Choose a Method That Works for You: Different people use various ways to do it, and there exist no exact ways of doing it. Try out the recommended approaches, and identify one that fits your routine and objectives.
5. Be Patient: People must understand and accept that the results will not come overnight. Do that at least for one month so the human body could adjust to the method and begin to felt the changes.
Common Misconceptions About Intermittent Fasting:
Like with any diet or exercise routine, there are many myths associated with this process of intermittent fasting. Here are some of the most common:
1. You Can’t Eat Enough: This is simply not true. It is therefore not about how often you eat but when you do. Regardless of the times you have an eating window, and as long you are able to get the right nutrition value and calorie intake during the windows you have for eating, then you are able to eat enough for your fitness.
2. It’s Too Hard: Introducing well-measured fasting into your regimen may initially be quite a bother, although it may work naturally over time. However, the principle is simple, to find the approach that helps you and do not hurry with the results.
3. You’ll Always Be Hungry: This isn’t necessarily true. By the same token, most people have noted that they experience increased satisfaction and reduced hunger after eating lesser meals. Thus, a lot of water intake is beneficial during the periods of fasting, as it controls hunger feelings.
4. It’s Dangerous for Everyone: Although intermittent fasting does not work for everyone, this approach to the improvement in fitness and health levels for most people should be considered safe. Before implementing any of these eating plans, it is recommended you seek advice from a health professional.
To sum up, it is worth admitting that intermittent fasting can be one of the most effective methods to reach the desired fitness. The strategies involved are shifting the eating time table and eating the right foods that have nutrients required by the body to increase insulin sensitivity and to boost the secretion of growth hormones and reduce inflammation. Go with an easy pace, select the procedure you like best, and do not be impatient. So, there it is ‘time and consistency’ are the two things that always guarantee results towards your fitness goals.
Q: How often should I fast, and for how long?
A: Fasting duration is also dependent on the method that you select most importantly for the best results. For example, the 16/8 method involves fasting for 16 hours and eating within an 8-hour window, while the 5:2 diet requires taking foods within a given period of 24 hours twice a week. Try to combine approaches that you are sure would suit your needs and expectations best.
Q: Can I exercise while fasting?
A: In point of fact, physical exercise is not prohibited while in the fasting phase of this diet plan. To the contrary, some participants report that they get better workouts during intermittent fasting, as they have more energy and better concentration during the eating periods. But make sure that you heed the signals your body is sending you and scale down your training activities for the first few weeks of IF.
Q: What would be the facet effect of this form of dieting?
A: As would be expected with any new way of eating, changing to intermittent fasting may be associated with some side effects, including increased hunger, tiredness or headaches. These side effects are rare and should fade with time once the body has modified to the new lifestyle. In case you are a sufferer of recurrent side effects follow the necessary steps of seeking medical advice.
Q: Is it permissible for me to take water or any beverage of my choice during those fasting periods?
A: Yes, you can sip water and other non-caloric beverages during fasting periods including black coffee and unsweetened tea. Sometimes people confuse thirst for hunger, and therefore it helps to keep one from eating unnecessarily if he or she takes a glass of water. Nevertheless, do not drink any beverage that contains calories during your fasting period.