Inline with this, saying that building core strength is critical to sound body fitness, as well as handling with diverse injuries. Most folks believe that to tone the abdominal or build up their core muscular tissues then they ought to do crunches or use paraphernalia such as a medicine ball or some stunt bands. Nevertheless, it is entirely feasible to achieve all of that by merely using body weight exercises and no equipment at all. Now, let’s have a look at 7 simple movements you can do at home or anywhere else with no equipment at all here in this article.
1. Planks
The plank is one of the most popular exercises for developing core muscles and there are quite good reasons for that. They engaged all the essential core muscles which include rectus abdominis, oblique and transverse abdominis muscles. When you endure a plank pose you are not just exercising one part of your body but you are toning your entire core body muscles. To perform a plank, follow these steps: a. Starting position is flat on the face down position with the shoulders over the wrists and the hands locked. b. Pull your head back and down through the heels, letting your spine become straight from your shoulders to your toes. c. Suck in your belly and stay in this position as long as possible while watching the reflection in the mirror. d. Relax your body back to the ground gradually, then, follow the same process again if necessary.
The other aerobic exercise that can be used include the bicycle crunches which really help in the strengthening of the stomach muscles. This exercise mainly focuses on the rectus abdominis and oblique and is performed by individuals who want to achieve a toned abdominals. To perform a bicycle crunch, follow these steps: a. To start this exercise, lay flat on your back with your hands placed behind the head, neck supported and feet flat. b. Bend the knees as much as possible and raise your head and shoulders off the floor, turning to one side. c. Straighten your right leg while bending your left calf muscle and bringing your left elbow towards your right knee and then again coming back to the position. d. Do the exercise on the other side by extending your left leg and touching your right elbow with your left knee. Repeat as many as it takes.
3. Russian Twists
Russian twists involves rapid moving of the legs in a circular motion without touching the ground and is effective in boosting ones oblique muscles and general core muscles stability. This exercise also involves every macromuscular group and your ability to maintain balance and coordination is challenged as well. To perform a Russian twist, follow these steps: a. First, stand with your back towards the chair and feet shoulder width apart and then gently bend down and sit on the chair. b. Lay your back a little bit forward and raise both your legs off the ground with only your abs muscles used to support you. c. Clasp your hands in front of you, about at chest level and sway to the left and back to the middle. d. With your left hand grab your right elbow bend and move it upwards and to the side, away from your body. Produce in the way described above several times if necessary.
4. Mountain Climbers
Mountain climbers are an excellent exercise that involves the entire body and mainly exercises the core muscles and the arms and legs’ muscles and glutes. This causes an excellent exercise for reinforcing the muscle of the stomach, back, and hips alongside enhancing the cardiovascular endurance capability. To perform a mountain climber, follow these steps: a. start with a push-up position your palms flat on the floor, shoulder width apart with your body forming a straight line from head to heels. b. Move your right leg upward towards your chest, then, shifting from left to right move the left leg upward towards your chest. c. Proceed to jumping, protracting one knee after the other towards the chest, with equal speed. As many repetitions as needed should be made.
5. Superman
The superman exercise is one of the easiest yet powerful exercise that helps in strengthening the regions like lower back and glutes. To perform a Superman, follow these steps: a. Start by lying prone with your arms out stretched in front of you and your legs joining the stretch. b. Now raise your arms, your chest, your legs off the floor while you are maintaining you abdominal muscles and your back should be straight. c. Maintain this position for few seconds and then let your body come down slowly to the ground. Do the exercise as many times as required.
6. Bird Dog
Bird Dog is one of the effective physical exercises that help in strengthening your core muscles, balance and tone your glutes and hamstring muscles well. To perform a Bird Dog, follow these steps: a. Place yourself on your palms and the knees such that your palms are placed under your shoulders and the knees under your hips. b. Push the right leg backward to make a 90-degree angle with the ground and raise your left hand in the air, parallel to the ceiling. c. Maintain this position for a few seconds; then you change sides by bringing your left leg backward and having your right hand raised from the floor. If needed do repetitions of it.
7. Leg Raises
With the action of lifting your legs with the knees straight, leg raises are one of the basic exercises to strengthen lower abdominal muscles. To perform a leg raise, follow these steps: a. Start with the prone position of the body with the hands near to the side of the body and legs stretched forwards. b. Try to maintain the legs as erect as you can, now raise your legs towards the rooftop and then approach them to the floor but don’t allow them to touch the floor. c. Continue the repetitions until produced.
Having a strong central foundation is crucial for every form of fitness as well as for avoiding injuries. The exercises mentioned in this article of basic oblique and rectus exercises which can be done with out any equipment and are ideal for home users or else those who have less time for an extensive workout session. They often include exercises that will enhance your core muscles, your stability while exercising, and your physical fitness as a whole. Always make sure to concentrate on correct posture and keep your balance steady while performing these exercises and if you have any doubts ask your fitness trainer.